Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Sat Guru Kabire Magazine First Edition

Sat Guru Kabire Magazine First Edition:(Free)

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Friday, 22 February 2013

Purnima Message from Australia

Purnima is on (full moon) Monday the 25th February 2013 and the significance of this punovrat ?

Sadguru Kabir Saheb ki dharmdasiy prampra mein punovrat ka vishesh mahatav hai, Es din vrat ke saath saath hum Sadguru Kabir Saheb ke updeshon ko smaran karte hain. Satsang avam vaani paath se apne ko krit-kritya karte hain.

Desh hi nahi videsh mein bhi sadguru kabir ke bhakta es din punovrat ka palan karte hain. Man, Vachan avam karma se Sadguru Kabir Saheb ke marag par chalne ka sankalp lete hain.

Purnima ke din jis prakar se chandrma apne purna roop mein rahta hai aur puri prithavi ko prakashit karti hai, usi prakar se manav bhi es din purna roop se punovrat ka palan karne unhen Sadguru dwara purnath phal prapt hota hai.

Hum logo ka subhkamana hai ki sabhi premi bhakta hans jan eska laabh prapt kar apne jiwan ko saphal banayen.



President: Vijay Prasad Mahabir  Vice President: Ravindra Lal

Treasurer: Renu Mukesh  : Secretary :  Vinod Binet Prasad

Public Officer: Mukesh Kumar  Ph- 0417656448

Thursday, 21 February 2013

What/Who Do We Worship as in Our Scriptures?


This paper was presented on February 10, 2013 organized by INTERFAITH ORGANISATION IN FIJI.

The topic is "What/Who Do We Worship as in Our Scriptures?"

Satguru Kabir Saheb!

Sat Means: True
Guru means: Teacher

Satguru is a title given specially only to an enlightened sant whose life’s purpose is to guide others.

God Satguru Kabir is the Supreme God and only He can with His grace, shower supreme peace and happiness to a soul. Only He is worthy of being worshipped. God is one who only gives you happiness and no sorrows. God is one who can forgive your sins.
To achieve Supreme God there is a need for a complete saint who acts as a medium between the soul and The God. He is called a True Guru or a Satguru. Once you take initiation from a Satguru, you get connected to God and then you start getting the benefits, provided you maintain full dedication in the Supreme God.  

Satguru Kabir says,

Search nearby -- why go so far?
Your soul wearied in the long search.
You even climbed Mount Sumeru.
When you returned,
you found God in your own house [body]."
(Songs of Kabir in the Adi Granth,
कबीर, एकै साधै सब सधै, सब साधै सब जाय।
माली सीचैं मूल को, फूलै-फलै अघाय।।

The purpose of this speech is that by worship of one Purna Brahm in form of root, the whole tree blossoms (remains lustgreen). By worship of (by watering) the trunk (ParBrahm-Akshar), big branch (Brahm) and the smaller branches (Brahma-Vishnu-Mahesh), the whole tree will dry out i.e. the sadhna will go in vain.
Satguru Kabir spoke on every aspects of life. He told the people that he was neither enemy nor friend to anyone, but that he wanted the welfare of all. He preached that all are children of the almightily, and they should live in peace, happiness and harmony without fighting over castes and religions. He gave the essence of all Holy Scriptures in simple, Sakhis, which are couplets with musical rhythm. The message of those incidents is the importance of devotion, love, purity and humility in our life.


Kabir Panth is not only a religion but a way of life. In the sense that you don’t have to convert or to be confined into strict rules and restricted ideas to understand and benefits from Satguru Kabir Saheb’s philosophy.

The only objective of Kabir Sahib Ji's own arrival onto the earth was to awaken the individual soul towards true spiritualism (Satya Bhakti). For 120 years He directed the world towards worship of only One God i.e. Supreme Lord (Param Purush - Sahib), which exists far beyond from this perishable universe (made up of five perishable elements) and is Immortal. Kabir Sahib Ji disclosed all secrets of so called "God of the Universe", who is no one, but a Devil Mind (Niranjan/ Kaal Purush). He explained that all religions are worshiping the same "God of the Universe" in one way or the other i.e. in Sargun [God in Form] or in Nirgun [God as Formless]forms. He also gave the secret of Amarlok (4th Lok)- Real abode of Supreme Lord to the humanity whose existence is beyond Universe (3 lok's and 5 elements) and at the same time fought against hypocrites for the welfare of the humanity. He showed the path of permanentsalvation which can only be attained with the blessings of a "Satguru" (true Perfect Spiritual Master).
Kabir Sahib Ji has reformed the social structure of spirituality in right perspective. He has always been against hypocrites. He gave the new dimensions to spiritualism through His ideology and teachings of Pra-Bhakti (Satya-Bhakti), which became as the ideology of Sant Mat. The words Sant and Satguru came into origin from Kabir Sahib Ji himself. Kabir Sahib Ji only spoke about Truth (Satya) which in itself was the reality that was unknown to the humanity and recommended to worship only One God - Supreme Father (Param  Purush -Sahib), which was unacceptable to selfish spiritual leaders. He was the only Saint in the history of mankind who has been punished with 52 death sentences also known as Bawan Kasni. Looking at large number of devotees following Kabir Sahib Ji's True Spiritualism (Satya Bhakti),the selfish spiritual leaders were afraid of losing their daily-means as well as their religious individuality. So they tried evil towards Him and created several wrong myths about Him. Some described Him as the offspring of an unmarried Brahman girl; others described Him as a child with uncertain identity and so on. Even today, His birth and life is a mystery for the people of the world.
Kabir Sahib himself has described this mystery i.e. Kabir Sahib Ji has described His reality in His own words that:
"I descended on this earth from the sky as a pure white light, right from the Supreme Lord (Param Purush), which is an unknown place and none could recognize my real identity. Without remaining in the womb of the mother I appeared das a child. A weaver found me in the Lahartara Talaab (pond) at Kashi. I have neither any wife nor any other relation. My name ceremony was performed in the home of Neeru - the weaver. It made me a laughing stock into the whole world. My abode is Amarlok and I have come as per the desire of Supreme Father (Param Purush) to liberate the souls from the grip of Kaal Purush - Mind (Niranjan) and to take the suffering souls back to their real abode- Amarlok".
Peace of Mind
Who is the Peace Maker?
It is the Supreme Power, Satpurush, Satguru.
What are the sorrows?

Vices are the sorrows.  How to get rid of worries?
It is found that almost all persons are beset with anxieties of one kind or the one other. If you think over it, you will reach the conclusion that man is subject to anxiety when he has fears that he may suffer loss one way or other or something harmful, displeasing or contrary to one likes or tastes may come to happen.  A man who has the habit of worrying about things, always entertains doubts and fears about the future. No doubt men are far – sighted but anxiety or worry is not the same thing as far sightedness.
God consciousness or soul consciousness is the real jewel through which a man can realize God, Satguru and Satnam. This jewel ensures the fulfillment of all one’s wishes and the removal of all sorrows and worries. Man must understand that there are natural ups and downs in life. There is no need to worry. Man must engage himself in these endeavors and work most happily.
How to have peace when Some Near and Dear Relative Passes Away?
Life hangs by a thread; death may come at any moment. Hence, one should be thoroughly cautions not to tread the wrong path. That means he should learn to be steady in remembering the immortal Satpurush, Satguru, instead of remembering the departed. We mustn’t forget that this world is like a short-lived fair. Hence, everybody must keep in mind the Law of karma and its fruit.

How to keep Calm when someone behaves improperly?
It is a matter of common observation that man becomes pleased on receiving respect from others, but it is sad and disturbed if he is insulted. Thus, common man’s life and out – look determined by situations. His happiness is not under his control.

If we now look at it wisely, we find that there is no point in losing peace of mind.  The reason is that you are not to blame for a wrong done, yet the other man indulges in this useless talk on account of a misunderstanding. Why should then we allow a trifling thing to occupy our thoughts?  We should have the ability to regard it as unworthy of our attention.
According to the teachings of Satguru Kabir, MAYA hits us hard if we forget Satguru, Satnam and ourselves. It is therefore; clear that cultivation of the qualities of tolerance and sweetness of temper is the way to keep calm when someone behaves improperly.

What is the Way to Peace When One is Diseased?
The way to remain in “Sahajyoga” of Satguru Kair when one is diseased,
An iill man is called a patient, and he also is regarded as patient whi endures with patience, i.e. who has the virtues of toleration and courage.  Hence, the ill man’s duty is to be tolerant and to be so he should be steady in remembering the Satguru and Satnam,  In this way he will surely understand “Sahajyoga and obtain Peace.

How to maintain Peace in face of Poverty?
Poverty is a powerful cause of misery and unrest. But, even in poverty, man can acquire wealth in the form of DIVINE KNOWLEDGE. By means of Sahajyoga’ of Satguru Kabir Saheb, both material and spiritual, a man can acquire true wealth. The rich can think of wealth but a Satsangi thinks of truth, Satnam and the Wealth – Giver i.e. God (Satpurush).
The lesser the Wealth the lesser the Vices. The satsangies have less money, but they have more spiritual means.
A true Santsangi  can give Wealth of the true knowledge to others. Man should not waste time in learning these priceless “Sahajyoga” and truth. He should make his life successful by acquiring the duvine wealth of “Sahajyoga” and Satnam.
If the achievement of complete purity, peace and prosperity is the only aim of your life, aspire for it now and here.
If not today, tomorrow shall be too late. Therefore, the sooner the better.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Poonam Message from His Holiness Feb 2013

!! सत्यनाम !!
पूर्णिमा व्रत २५ फ़रवरी 2013
माघ पूर्णिमा के शुभ अवसर पर सभी कबीरपंथी प्रेमियों को हार्दिक बधाई. पूर्णिमा का शुभ दिन हमारे लिए महत्वपूर्ण  होता है. सभी धर्मदासीय परम्परा के मानने वाले संत, महंत, सेवक समाज इस दिन व्रत रहकर अपने गुरु आश्रम में जाकर सत्संग भजन  का लाभ लेते हैं. इस दिन संतों के दर्शन अवं सत्संग का विशेष महत्व पूनोमहात्म्य में बताया गया है. शिष्य के जीवन की अधूरी यात्रा गुरु की कृपा से ही पूर्ण होती है.
'' गुरु कहे सोई है साँचा ,बिन परिचय सेवक है काँचा ''
गुरुदेव ने शब्द मार्ग का भेद बताया है , उसी शब्द मार्ग का अनुसरण ही शिष्य के लिए पवित्र मार
 '' जनम-जनम का सोयल मनुवा, दे सत्त शब्द जग दीजिये हो '' 
हे सद्गुरु मेरी जनम जनम की सोई हुई मनोवृत्ति को सत्य शब्द से जागृत कर दीजिये. उसी गुरुदेव का स्मरण - दर्शन हमारे लिए पूर्णिमा का अवसर प्रदान करता है. अधिक से अधिक समय पूर्णिमा के दिन परिवार के सदस्य घर में बैठकर  भजन सत्संग का लाभ लें. इसी तरह हमारी लगन बढ़ती जाती है, और पूर्णिमा का महत्व बढ़ने लगता है. हम आप सभी के लिए शुभकामना करते हैं कि पूर्णिमा का व्रत आपके जीवन को पूर्ण करे.

      पंथश्री हजूर अर्धनाम साहेब  आचार्यकबीरपंथ


Pūraamāsī āja sō magala gā'īyē, Sadguru caraa manāva parama pada pā'īyē. Prathamē mandira jhāra kē, candana putā'iyē, Nūtana vastara āna candēvā tanā'iyē, Gaja mutiyana kā cauka, tahā purā'iyē, Mēvā aru miṣṭhāna, bahuta vidhi lā'iyē, Pāna supārī, nariyara, tahā cahā'i'ē, Gōghr̥ta kē pakavāna, sō dhōtī udhā'iyē, Pallava sahita sō kalaśā tahā dharā'iyē, Pām̐ca bāti kē dīpaka, tahā barā'iyē, Guru kē hētu sō āsana tahā bichā'iyē, Guru kē caraa pakhāri, tahā bihā'iyē, Sādhusanta saga lāya, tō āratī utāriyē, Āratī kara puni nariyara, tahām̐ fōrā'iyē, Guru kō bhōga lagāya, sakhā mila khā'iyē, Pāya prasāda aghāya, caraa cita lā'iyē, Yugana yugana kī kudhā, sō turata bujhā'iyē. Ati adhīna hō prēma sē, guruhi rijhā'iyē, Kahai kabīra satabhāva sē, lōka sidhā'iyē.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013



Aims and objectives

We are a small group of individuals bonded by the grace of Satguru Kabir Saheb and
With the blessing of 1008 Panth Shree  Hajur Ardhnam Saheb Ji  who are collectively committed to

·         Spreading and maintaining the teachings of Satguru Kabir Saheb
·         Enlightening Kabir Sahebs knowledge to present and future generations

The Kabir Panth Satsang Group Australia is based on the five pillars of Kabir Panth

satyamav jayati nānrtam
satyena panthā vitato devayānah
yenākramantyrsayo hyāptakāmā
yatra tat satyasya paramam nidhānam


Truth alone triumphs not falsehood.
Through truth the divine path is spread out by which
the sant mahant whose desires have been completely fulfilled
reach where that supreme treasure of Truth resides
Satyanama Jayatiam

Venue : 65 Woodcroft Drive, Woodcroft Neighbourhood Centre, NSW Australia
President: Vijay Prasad Mahabir,   Vice President: Ravindra Lal,

Treasurer: Renu Mukesh, Secretary: Vinod Binet Prasad

Public Officer: Mukesh Kumar – Ph- 0417656448
