Monday, 18 February 2013

Introduction to the Purnima Katha

Introduction to the Purnima Katha

By: Dr.J.Das, Kabir Association Canada

The punam or purnima fast has been explained by Satguru Kabir Saheb to his foremost disciple Dharam Dass. He taught that Satpurush Parmatma at the beginning of creation instituted this fast. He further taught that this fast is the root of all fasts, and the latter are branches. So he stressed the importance of observing this fast in the manner he described. If one observes it with full devotion and purity of heart, one would reap immense spiritual benefit and general well being. It is thus important for us to observe this fast, and to encourage others to also observe it.
A brief outline of the salient features of the fast is given here to simplify its observance. This fast is observed once a month at the full moon based on the lunar calendar. The fast is completed by the time the moon is full according to your time zone. Because the fasting starts in the morning and extends all day, terminating at night with the reading of the punam katha (story), it may not always be on the day the moon becomes full. For example, if the moon is full on Wednesday during the day, then the fast is observed on Tuesday, so it can finish by Tuesday night. One needs to stay awake until Tuesday midnight at least, but one can stay up all night and engage in spiritual activity. If the moon is full late Wednesday night and into Thursday morning, the fast is observed on Wednesday. The reason for the timing is that auspicious events are observed during the waxing and not the waning phase of the moon. The hour of the full moon indicates that the dark fortnight or waning phase will commence.
On the day of the fast one wakes up and attends to the calls of nature. One then bathes and puts on clean, white clothes, and engages in prayer and meditation. After this one spends the day in a prayerful attitude, and reads scriptures or engages in religious discussions and other studies. Keep the house clean but keep housework to a minimum. In the early evening prepare your meal and prasad. After doing these, prepare a simple altar with a picture of Satguru Kabir, some flowers, a lighted diya, and an arati thali.
Invite family, friends etc. as the case may be, and recite the katha. Explain the purpose and meaning of the katha. After this is finished, sing or recite the puranmasi mangal and the bhog shabda. Perform the arati and share the prasad. When all of these are finished then one eats dinner. During the fast one needs to drink water to maintain hydration.
 When the guru or mahant is present, then one prepares the chowka arati as explained in the katha. This will then require all the other items and preparations mentioned. This is better observed when several people are participating and it is done in a temple.

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